Long Realty | jTeam Real Estate Partners



Dear Broker,

The dust has just begun to settle after our protracted and complicated house sale and purchase and we feel we must share with you our overwhelmingly positive experience with John La Rocca, a superior agent in your foothills office.

We met John at an open house. We connected immediately through his direct and easy conversation and our shared enthusiasm about the Tucson Foothills Real Estate market. We were considering re-listing our home and were looking for a new agent. At the time, we had no idea how difficult our next 6 mounts in Real Estate would be; nor could we predicted John’s surprising diligence and determination to make sure we got exactly what we wanted . You must know that we are hard-working and exhaustively thorough perfectionists: we are not easy to keep up with. No agent ever has-until John

Through the complex and strenuous negotiations for the bank-owned home we wanted to buy, John remained steadfast in his commitment to make the purchase happen. He accompanied us to difficult meetings with loan and escrow officers and maintained telephone and personal contact several times a day with us, and all of the key players, in order to shepherd the deal to a close. He was patient with us when we became frustrated and testy. He was quick to laugh when we were able to see the humor in what sometimes seemed to be a fiasco. From morning to night, from the first (rejected) offer to closing-day a period that spanned some 90 days-John committed himself to our goals as though they were his own. In the next month, he would be invaluable once more as our first house went under contract and sold. This time negotiating with the buyer’s agent and tending to our wishes. John again proved himself to be loyal, knowledgeable and tenacious advocate.

We wanted you to know, if you don’t already, what a credit he is to your office.

Most Sincerely,
D&J From Tucson